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The truth behind the myth of the 'duelling' pistol, with firearm and weapon expert Jonathan Ferguson
The downright dirty duelling pistols for cheaters with firearms and weapon expert Jonathan Ferguson
Why do we know so little about this gun? With firearms and weaponry expert, Jonathan Ferguson
The 10 barrelled, bolt-action, self-defence pistol with firearms and weapon expert Jonathan Ferguson
The wonky Finnish submachine gun with firearms and weapons expert Jonathan Ferguson
The quirky Dumonthier blade gun, with weapon and firearms expert, Jonathan Ferguson
Why was this the last Webley pistol? With firearms expert, Jonathan Ferguson.
A peculiar pair of pocket percussion pistols with firearms expert, Jonathan Ferguson
Fake or frontline firearm? The mysterious Webley stock with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson
POV: When your gunmaker has never seen a dolphin, with firearms and weapon expert Jonathan Ferguson
Why don't revolvers revolve the other way? The Turret Pistol with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson
Why did this rare Jones Patent pistol mechanism not catch on? With firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson